Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Story of Cosmetics (2010)

We all might be toxicated by daily skin care and cosmetics we use everyday! Makes us wonder what the difference is between consuming alcohol / drugs with that of skin care!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow !!! That video should be compulsory for all females and parents, and all legislators.

Mashallah, one of the great things about wearing hijaab and, in public, niqaab, is that I spend a lot less on cosmetics than most westerners. But I do spend a lot of deodorants, shampoos, moisteurisers etc.

So I had better check all those bottles on my dressing table.

And then look on line for safe green substitutes. I just hope that going non-toxic is
1. Possible here
2. Doesn't bankrupt me

Anyway many thanks for posting the vid; I hope it is watched by a lot of people insha'Allah
